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About Us

Founded in 2022, Silver Friends is a remarkable not-for-profit charity (Charity Number: 1198792) born out of a passion to serve the older community. The Silver Friends Charity is dedicated to providing support and companionship to lonely and isolated elderly citizens. We believe that no one should have to suffer through loneliness and isolation, especially in their later years. 

We know that over-60s are the fastest-growing group in society, and too often, they find themselves without the support they desperately need. That's why we're committed to putting the needs of the older people first, matching them with our volunteers providing befriending services, and creating opportunities for them to connect socially again. We're here to make a real positive difference in their lives, and we're not going to stop until we do.


At Silver Friends, we're more than just a charity. We're a community that cares. We know that loneliness and isolation can have a significant impact on our wellbeing, and through our dedicated team of incredible volunteers, we aim to provide a supportive environment where our older people can thrive. Silver Friends Charity not only alleviates loneliness but also promotes a sense of purpose and joy in the lives of our elderly citizens. We believe that everyone deserves to be heard, seen, and loved, and we're here to make that happen.


We are passionate about what we do, and we believe that with your help, we can make it a reality. So please, join us in our mission to inspire, enable, and support our older community. Let's create a world where no one is ever isolated or alone, and where every older person feels valued and cherished. Together, we can make a real positive difference by alleviating the burden of our National Health Services (NHS) and protecting the long-term interests of future generations.


What We Do

Below is a list of some of the events and the services we offer at Silver Friends. All of these are supported by our wonderful volunteers. 

  • Outings to garden centres, national trusts, day trips to the seaside and many more.

  • Events at sheltered schemes/independent living schemes - quizzes, teas, and other social events. 

  • Specially themed luncheon events with live entertainment - Christmas, Easter, high teas, etc.

  • Home visits for those who are housebound and unable to attend our outings or events. 

  • We offer a local directory service for cleaners/gardeners/maintenance etc.

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